Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Today is the Day

I got to tell you traveling with two husbands is not bad! The boys have been so sweet to me. One gets me food the other gets me liquids and we are good to go. We had a great day yesterday. Tough climb at the end. The single file line of cyclist grinding it out to the top was pretty amazing. I passed a man yesterday on a tandem with his mentally challenged son. I asked him how he was and he said " Wonderful but we will better soon."
We did it!

Here are the boys (husband 1 and 2) 6 miles before the summit.
That is why they are still smiling.

Excited and nervous for today. Carbondale to Leadville. 82 Miles. Independence Pass! Bring it!

For the Atlanta folks.... Al and his wife, Dyanna, also have triplets. Three years old. They are beautiful! Here is a pick we took of his family before we started. 

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