Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 5 - Grandby to Estes Park

Yesterday was a time trial of sorts. We had to meet certain cut-off times at each aid station or they would not let you proceed. We rode our bikes all the way through Rocky Mountain National Park. It was very beautiful. We saw a heard of Elk up on a ridge at 12,000 feet. So much pine beetle damage. We have seen lots of that over the last few days. It was 37 miles to the top. Al said we would all most likely ever ride our bikes at a higher elevation again. (12,500 feet) You could see the smoke from the fires when you were up top. It was very steep coming down 2,000 bikers, cars, ambulances, all on super tight roads with the wind blowing and huge drop offs on each side. I started to get panicky and then I started to cry so I waived down the SAG and rode into town. I know I was scared if I got in the "meat wagon." Al and Bill saw my bike on top. I told you they are always looking out for me. Al chased down the van and waved to me through the window to make sure I was ok. I was so glad they saw me because I really did not want them to wait and worry. We all met up in Estes Park and had a beer with James and Camille. They rode to the top from Estes to meet us but it was so chaotic up there we never saw them. We spent the rest of the day at the Stanley laughing and laughing and being inappropriate as we usually are when we get together. We went to town and met Bill's friend Fat Head. He just left Sweetwater to work at Avery Brewery out here. Good Times.

Three Husbands Now (Al, James, Bill)

Today Day 6! One and Done!

Bill and I are taking it to Ft. Collins ( they have modified the route due to fire but we are ending up at the brewery). 55 miles a few beers and then to Atlanta. We don't get in until very late. Ready for some Mocha time and to catch up with all of you. Thanks for following us on our journey. We have had a great time. What an adventure!

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