Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 3 and 4

I am sorry I have left you hanging. We get up at 5 and are on our bikes at 7ish. Last night we did not get to our condo until 8 and we could not speak much less blog! We made it easily from Carbondale to Aspen. We swung by the Red Brick and gave Susanne a hug. Then we started our climb towards Independence Pass. We all made it! I even beat Bill....but his saddle broke and he had to have it fixed which took an hour. But that still counts right?  Al took off before us so he could spend two days with his family.
Bill and I made it to Twin Lakes and I could not function. I went partially blind and my hands did not work. They still don't so typing and getting dressed are tough! Holding the handle bars 10 hours a day has made them not want to straighten out. We have been calling them monkey claws. Anyway I was line adverse yesterday. On RTR you have to wait in line for Water, Gatorade, bathroom, food, pictures at certain spots. I was just not into the lines yesterday and so I did not eat enough. So I paid for it. That last 20 miles from Twin Lakes to Leadville was Twilight Zone material. All Bill and I could do was feed ourselves and fall into bed.

Had to wait in line to get this picture but it sure was worth it!

This is the amazing man that willed me to Leadville.

This morning we were hurting and I seriously did not think I could accomplish 95 miles and two passes today but we DID IT!!! I ate all day long, said some serious prayers and had a fabulous day.

These are my two favorite people in the world Bill and the Flippin" Flapjacks man. We eat 4 pancakes and two sausages at the first or second aid station each day. This is after a full breakfast. I ate about 10 full meals today but it worked!

We even hung out in the park in Granby and ate some more and had a beer or two before we bussed to Winter Park. Tomorrow we ride 60 to Estes Park. Bill has just told me we are staying in the Stanley Hotel where they filmed the Shining. Do you thing they rent tricycles to ride up and down the halls at the front desk? I thing the last day route will have to be changed due to the fires near Ft. Collins. Word on the street is that they will route us to Boulder instead. I am sad to miss the O'dell's brewery in Fort Collins which really was the ONLY reason I was riding my bike 450 miles but I guess they have beer in Boulder too. Our friends James and Camille will be joining us tomorrow at the top of the pass. Should be another beautiful day in the Rockies.

This is us on top of Ute Pass. That is the Gore range behind us. We also did Freemont Pass today.

Much love and good night!

Hi Folks,

Bill Here.  The Williams Fork Mountains are awesome.  I saw a few ranchers separating calves from their mama's. It is such beautiful country with wide open vistas. I have read about this area in Colorado literature and I was pleased to finally see it event if it was from a 15 miles stretch of gravel road on a road bike. This is a hard thing to manage! Talk to you later, Bill

This is Wendy again. I had the most amazing dream last night. I dreamed I was holding a baby chimpanzee. This has always been a dream of mine. That chimp loved me and I loved him. Just so you know he was potty trained and could say a few words. Then some one gave me a live chicken in a gift bag. If anyone knows how I can hold a baby chimp let me know!

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